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Analisis perbandingan kinerja reksa dana saham konvensional dan reksa dana saham syariah - Laporan kemajuan Penelitian - Peneltian Kecil

This study aims to compare the performance generated by a conventional equity fund with Islamic equity funds. This study is a case study conducted at PT Trimegah Asset Management which is a subsidiary of PT Trimegah Securities Tbk. The sample used is the TRIM and TRIM Shariah Capital Stock. The study design was conducted by collecting historical data from the Net Asset Value (NAV) of each mutual fund during the period October 2007 until September 2011. The method used to assess the performance of mutual fund risk-adjusted return is comprised of methods Sharpe, Treynor, and Jensen. On average, the performance of TRIM Kapital is calculated by the method of Sharpe during the period October 2007 to September 2011 asumption the result of research around amounted to TRIM Sharia -0.450000 while shares of -0.490000. Treynor performance measurement method for generating a value of -0.0490000 and -0.0590000 for TRIM TRIM Capital Stock Sharia. It can be concluded that the performance of TRIM and TRIM Shariah Capital Stock as measured by the method of Sharpe and Treynor recorded less than satisfactory. However, the performance generated by TRIM Kapital is still relatively better than Sharia TRIM Stock. Performance measurement by the method of Jensen during the period October 2007 to September 2011 performance scores of 0.0080000 for TRIM TRIM Kapital and -0.00190000 for Sharia Shares. It can be concluded that the performance of TRIM Kapital is calculated by the method of Jensen is still relatively better than the performance of ShariahTRIM. Of statistical testing methods independent sample t-test obtained results that the alpha 5%, no significant difference between the performance of TRIM and TRIM Shariah Capital with the value calculated by the method of Sharpe, Treynor, and Jensen. Key words : TRIM Kapital, TRIM Syariah Capital Stock, Performance, Method of Risk- adjusted Return. (VM)


16-00374-b16-00374-bPerpustakaan PusatAvailable

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Publisher Perbanas Institute : Jakarta.,
vi, 54p. Ilus.: 29cm
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