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Peran lembaga pembiayaan ekspor indoneisa terhadap ekspor tiga rumpun komoditi ke china. Usulan Penelitian - Penelitian Kecil

This research starts with a problem that Indonesian export competitive advantage, in general is still weak compare with other countries, including in the region of ASEAN countries. There are some factors affecting the competitive advantage.One of these factors is role of a funding institution that, basically, can improve the competitive advantage. This research aims to analysis the role of Indonesia Export-Import Bank to drive export of Indonesia non oil and gas to China. This research is a model ACFTA implementation of this export. This research analysis three kind of commodities. There are manufacture, mining and agriculture products. Method of analysis is descriptive causalities, with independent variables are, Gross Domestic Product of trade partners, mining products and agriculture products, and dependent variable is value of export of non oil and gas to China. Using time series data from 2000 to 2010, it can be conclude that: commodities export of agriculture products are also weak. Meanwhile, export commodities of manufacture products are very high. In addition, gross domestic product of trade partner has positive contribution to Indonesia export. Moreover, these exports are still be able to category as raw materials with no value added. Role of indonesian export import bank to encourage competitive advantage of export products to China is very haigh as a moderating variable in order to active participation with enabler toward exporter, government and export market destination countries. So, it is suggested taht Indonesian exports should export their products with improving value added rather than raw material procuts.


16-00360-a16-00360-aPerpustakaan PusatAvailable

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Publisher Perbanas Institute : Jakarta.,
iv, 17p. : 29cm
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