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Pengaruh tingkat suku bunga pinjaman terhadap non performing loan (NPL) pada PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. Laporan Kemajuan - Penelitian Kecil

This study aimed to determine the effect of interset rate loan againts Non-Performing Loan (NPL) to PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbkpublished in the period 2005-2010. The study was conducted by using a quantitative descriptive method models and case studies using financial assumption, hypothesis test "t" test and "f" test, test the coefficient of multiple determination (R squared) and linear sample regresion. Preliminary data indicate that the highest borrowing rate occured in 2006 in the amount of 15.30% with 16.30% of NPLs, while the lowest loan interest rates occured in 2005 in the amount of 11.86% with 25.30% NPL. While the highets NPL in 2005 which reached 25.30%, which is when the loan interest rate of 11.86%, while the lowest NPL occured in 2010 at 2.40% when the loan interest rate at 12.54%. Based on these findings it can be concluded that while there was no significant effect between the amount of the interest rate with NPL development. Therefore, research should be followed by statistical analysis.


16-00352-b16-00352-bPerpustakaan PusatAvailable

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Publisher Perbanas Institute : Jakarta.,
v, : 29cm
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