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Analisis Penerimaan Internet Banking dengan Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model pada Bank ABC.

Purpose - The purpose of this research is to identify factors influencing acceptance level of internet banking on Bank ABC using technology Acceptance Model.
Design/Methodology/Approach - In this paper, the authors propose a research model of acceptance of internet banking by purely adopted technology acceptance model (TAM). There are four construct to be measured, i.e external variables, preceived usefulness, preceived ease of use and behavioural intention. The authors test the hypotheses throgh partial least square (PLS) analysis using the program SAMRT pls BASED ON SURVEY OF 151 COSTUMERS.
Finding - The analysis result showed that external variables only affected preceived ease of use. Both preceived usefulness and preceived ease of use have significant influance to behavioural intention but only preceived ease of use has significant influance to internet banking usage.
Research Limitations - This study only conducted on personal internet banking.


TM 15219 Sel ATM 15219 Sel APerpustakaan PusatAvailable

Detail Information

Series Title
Call Number
TM 15219 Sel A
Publisher ABFII Perbanas Institute : Jakarta.,
xiii, 81hlm.:illus.;40cm.
TM 15219
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