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Pengaruh Karakteristik Debitur Dalam Pemenuhan Persyaratan Pasca Pemberian Kredit di Direktorat Corporate Banking PT. Bank Buku 5

"PT. BANK BOOK 5 is a company engaged in the business of banking, in terms of assets is currently the fifth (5th) largest bank in Indonesia. Credit growth in the corporate sector has increased every year. In 2014 according to internal data shows that credit growth achievement Rp. 51.6 trillion, which increased 18% from the previous period and accounted for 48 % of the bank’s loan portofolio.
As the magnitude of the necessary credit growth, monitoring system in this case the covenant must be fill post-credit from debtor. This reporting covenant is done in the form of a report to be obtained “TBO” is compliance report before maturity and exception report “ER” is repost after maturity. Of internal data reporting period in 2014 for TBO amounted to 2.931 document and for ER amounted to 758 documents. The report consist of 315 existing debtor. The fulfillment of these requirements can not be separated form a character of a debtor who is given credit loans and the preparation of covenant at the beginning of the credit proposal by the business unit. Additionally, high days past due report of Rp. 2.393 billion in 2014 was also due to the fulfillment of the covenant are not fulfilled by the debtor timely disbursement of loans that caused the following stage can not be done. Thereby disrupting the debtor’s business activities and cause company’s cash flow to be disrupted. Internal policy In this regard is very necessary to be able to conduct surveillance and billing as required.
As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions are identified:
Establishing application covenant in-depth analysis by business unit or relationship manager “RM”. Where the covenant is in addition used to keep the credit risk in the bank’s position but also should be tailored to the circumstances of the debtor. In addition, in compliance my also lead to the credit risk if the credit disbursement failed due to credit covenant are not fill. The credit disbursement delays could lead to cost over-runs and the operational activities of the debtor is not going well, so that cash flow will be impaired and the payment obligations to the bank and obstacle. Factors that influence the character of debtor eligibility after investigation, the are several internal factors such as education, limit the amount of lending, group companies and the experience, in addition there are external factors such as the bank, third parties (suppliers, buyers, notaries, KJPP, notary, etc) and also the political, economic, social and technological. Internal policy also influential in the fulfillment of these covenant, which after analysis of internal policy effective enough. But these policies are often not well executed that caused a gap for debtors to not meet the requirements on time.

Keyword: character, qualitative, descriptive, SWOT, PEST, moral hazard."


TM 15173 Bin PTM 15173 Bin PPerpustakaan PusatAvailable

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